Set a Project as Current

Before You Start

  • HPE Machine Learning Data Management ships with an initial project named default that is automatically set to your active context.

How to Set a Project to Your Current Context

In order to begin working on a project other than the default project, you must assign it to a pachCTL context. This enables you to safely add or update resources such as pipelines and repos without affecting other projects.

pachctl config update context --project foo

You can check the details of your active context using the following commands:

pachctl config get active-context # returns contextName
pachctl config get context <contextName>

# {
#   "source": "IMPORTED",
#   "cluster_name": "docker-desktop",
#   "auth_info": "docker-desktop",
#   "cluster_deployment_id": "dev",
#   "project": "foo"
# }

switch active project

  1. Open the Console UI.
  2. Navigate to the top-level Projects view.
  3. Scroll to a project you wish to work on.
  4. Select the Ellipsis Icon.
  5. Copy and paste the PachCTL command into your terminal.

You can now work within the project from Console.

set active project