Run Commands

Developing on Windows with VSCode

Learn how to set up your Windows machine to contribute via VS code.

April 4, 2024

Before You Start #

Installation Requirements #

You must have all of the following installed before you can start development:

Terminal Settings #

  1. Open VS Code.
  2. Open your terminal (ctrl+`).
  3. Add the following to your settings.json:
      "": "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe",

This path may vary depending on where your git bash actually exists.

Getting started #

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to a directory you’d like to store HPE ML Data Management.
  2. Clone the pachyderm repo using git clone
  3. Launch Docker Desktop (with Kubernetes enabled) or start minikube.
  4. Provision ~10 GB of memory and ~4CPUs.
    • Via minikube: minikube start --memory=10000mb --cpus=4 --disk-size=40000mb --driver=hyperv
    • Via Docker Desktop: Open Docker Desktop and navigate to Preferences > Resources > Advanced.
  5. Build your pachyderm pachd and worker images via the task docker-build.
    • Option 1: Navigate to Terminal > Run Task…
    • Option 2: Press ctrl+p and input task docker-build
  6. Build and install pachctl.
  7. Launch a HPE ML Data Management cluster by running the task launch-dev.

If the service does not come up promptly (the script never says all the pods are ready), see the Debugging section.

Debugging #

Common Commands #

The following commands are used frequently when working with HPE ML Data Management:

  • kubectl get all: lists resources in the ‘default’ namespace, where we deploy locally.
  • kubectl logs -p <pod>: gets the logs from the previous attempt at running a pod; a good place to find errors.
  • minikube logs: gets the logs from minikube itself, useful when a pod runs into a CreateContainerError.
  • docker container ls: lists recently used or in-use docker containers; used to get logs more directly.
  • docker logs <container>: gets the logs from a specific docker container.

Gotchas #

  • Docker can get confused by command-line windows-style paths; it reads : as a mode and fails to parse.
  • You may want to export MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 to prevent the automated conversion of unix-to-windows paths.
  • Kubernetes resource specs (specifically hostPath) do not work if you use a windows-style path. Instead, you must use a unix-style path where the drive letter is the first directory, e.g. /C/path/to/file.
  • Etcd may fail to mmap files when in a directory shared with the host system.

Full Restart #

Minikube #

If you’d like to completely restart, use the following terminal commands:

minikube delete
kubectl delete pvc -l suite=pachyderm 
minikube start --memory=10000mb --cpus=4 --disk-size=40000mb