Activate Enterprise via Helm

Before You Start

  • You must have a HPE Machine Learning Data Management Enterprise License Key.
  • You must have pachctl and HPE Machine Learning Data Management installed.
  • You must have the HPE Machine Learning Data Management Helm repo downloaded.

How to Activate Enterprise HPE Machine Learning Data Management via Helm

  1. Open your Helm values.yml file.
  2. Find the the pachd.enterpriseLicenseKey attribute.
  3. Input your enterprise key.
  4. Upgrade your cluster by running the following command:
    helm upgrade pachyderm pachyderm/pachyderm -f values.yml
    Once deployed, HPE Machine Learning Data Management stores your provided Enterprise license as the platform secret pachyderm-license in the key enterprise-license-key.
  1. Create a secret for your Enterprise license.
    kubectl create secret generic pachyderm-enterprise-key \
    --from-literal=enterprise-license-key='<replace-with-key>' \
    --dry-run=client -o json | jq 'del(.metadata.resourceVersion)' > pachyderm-enterprise-key.json
      "kind": "Secret",
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "pachyderm-enterprise-key",
        "creationTimestamp": null
      "data": {
        "enterprise-license-key": "<replace-with-key>"
  2. Upload the secret to your cluster.
    pachctl create secret -f pachyderm-enterprise-key.json
  3. Obtain your current user-input helm values:
    helm get values pachyderm > values.yaml
  4. Find the the pachd.enterpriseLicenseKeySecretName attribute.
  5. Input your license’s secret name found in of pachyderm-enterprise-key.json (e.g., pachyderm-enterprise-key-secret).
    deployTarget: LOCAL
      enabled: true
      host: localhost
        type: LoadBalancer
      enterpriseLicenseKeySecretName: "pachyderm-enterprise-key"
  6. Upgrade your cluster by running the following command:
helm upgrade pachyderm pachyderm/pachyderm -f values.yml

Enterprise automatically enables authentication. You can log in using the following command:

pachctl auth login
  • username: admin
  • password: password

However, to use Console, you must set up an IdP.